Join the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life in advocating for climate and environmental justice - in pursuit of a clean and safer world for all!
August 2024 priority: Protect Old-Growth and Mature Trees and Forests! Click below... |
Who We Are
The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) deepens and broadens the Jewish community’s commitment to stewardship and protection of the Earth: via outreach, activism, Jewish learning, and advocacy.
Through a network of Jewish leaders, institutions, and individuals -- and in partnership with our many multi-faith allies -- COEJL mobilizes the Jewish community to advance eco-justice, increase sustainability, and advocate for policies that support environmental protection.
Through a network of Jewish leaders, institutions, and individuals -- and in partnership with our many multi-faith allies -- COEJL mobilizes the Jewish community to advance eco-justice, increase sustainability, and advocate for policies that support environmental protection.
What We Do
PartnerCOEJL partners with the full spectrum of national Jewish organizations to integrate Jewish values of environmental stewardship into communal life
ActivateCOEJL activates national Jewish institutions, local initiatives, and individuals to fight for environmental protection efforts, and enact enduring change
COEJL supports synagogues around environmental education and action opportunities - call us for a consult, or to explore a live or virtual presentation
COEJL actively participates in inter-religious and civic coalitions to protect the environment, public health, frontline communities, and our common future
Can you help support this vital mission?!
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And God took the first human, and placed this person in the Garden of Eden -- to tend / serve it, and to guard it. "
(Genesis 2:15 -- לְעׇבְדָ֖הּ וּלְשׇׁמְרָֽהּ)