Donate / Tzedakah: Do Good, and Feel Good About It!
Your contribution is essential for us to pursue our mission to deepen the Jewish community’s commitment to stewardship of the Earth through outreach, activism, and Jewish learning. This is part of our people's prophetic mandate, contra the headlines or status quo. Please help power this sacred work! COEJL acts to expand the contemporary understanding of Jewish values such as tikkun olam (repairing our world) and tzedek (justice) to include the protection of both people and other species from environmental degradation. COEJL seeks to extend such traditions as social action and gemilut chasadim (performing deeds of loving-kindness) to environmental action and advocacy. And COEJL works to achieve shalom (peace or wholeness) in its full sense of harmony in all creation. Every donation counts, so we hope you’ll consider becoming a monthly donor. |